Went to Gym
It is Saturday and like the past few Saturday mornings, I went to the gym. It was a blast!
The floor renovation made the gym look big overall. It was good to be back to the home gym. For the last weeks we were at a neighborhood park district and that was a good change. It was much nicer: larger floor space, lots of equipment, locker room, shower and more. But the people there are not that friendly. So, I’m glad to home gym.
The last two years have been hard on me and everyone around me. Why? Because of covid related lockdown and everything else that came with it. Work from home, school from home, shutdown, masks and poo health. All this has taken a huge toll on my body. It is stiff and weak. Can’t do a single pull-up, inflexible to the highest level, can’t lift weights.
Working out at the gym is bringing back some of the past flexibility and ability I had. It’s going to be a long run, but I’m looking forward to getting fit again. The way the human body works is fascinating. I took my health for granted until now. But not anymore. Aging and sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll.
The workout and mobility is helping a lot – both physically and mentally. Thanks to the family for taking the membership at the gym.